I stopped off in East Barnet Village on the way back from Chase Farm Hospital following an appointment at the Pain Management clinic. Unfortunately, the trapped nerve in my spine continues to cause quite a bit of pain and I am permanently on anti-inflammatories and painkillers, including morphine patches.

Had a walk in Oakwood Park. So lovely, even though the trees have lost all their leaves in the winter.

Walking around the park was difficult unfortunately, although not unexpected. I was forced to take notice if how much my Ataxia has progressed since I last walked here. I think I noted the difference so much, because I used to walk here two or three times a week when I lived in the East Barnet Village, so the comparison was rather obvious, between a year ago and now.

I am more wobbly on my feet, and it seems to take a shorter time when walking for my legs to begin to feel as though they are going to collapse. Rather disconcerting, especially if there is nowhere nearby to sit.

I miss East Barnet Village *sigh *