Fav Tweets

Don't you just love the internet? There are thousands, nay, tens of thousands of folk out there writing free software, or doing other things to make our life better, most often without charge - just because they can and have enough huma...

A younger look? You decide...

Courtesy of my early pension payouts, I have been able to get new glasses. Chosen by Luke, as I didn't have the confidence to choose on my own. I'm rather pleased with them, although am not too sure about the blue tint. It's supposed t...

Brilliant day out at London Pride 28 June 2014

Brilliant day. Bus and then tube to Marble Arch. Early lunch at the Quebec. Then walked to parade start. On the Opening Doors bus till end of parade. Huge crowds. Rain, but some sunshine. Stood almost all the way. Lovely young...

Dangerous Oxford Street

Actually, not so dangerous, unless you are foolish... Like I was today. In the excitement following Saturday's trip into town, I decided to try again. I have two events coming up in the near future which require smart casual wear, and...

My Trip to London Town

I had been restricted to my home for a long time now, struggling to get out and about. This started when I had a breakdown about four years ago, and was worsened by the fact that, at the same time, my five year relationship broke up, and...