Using SimplyFile - Batch-File
This is the first of what could become several blog posts about software that I find useful, or other PC tips and tricks.
SimplyFile is an add-on (extension) for Microsoft Outlook that simplifies the process of managing emails (filing them after reading or sending). I promise you it will save hours of effort. note is about the batch filing feature of SimplyFile.
Let me explain how I work using my Smartphone.
I have several folders set up in Gmail which I use as temporary folders for emails I have managed on my phone. I use Gmail, so that they are not deleted until I specifically choose to do so. This is because Gmail is an IMAP email account and other email tends to be POP (which means that (usually) when emails are downloaded to Outlook they are removed from the server. Do ask me if this is not clear.
The main ones I use are: @Desktop – read on my phone and need to look at later and dealt with@4filing – I’ve dealt with this email and it now just needs to be filed (otherwise it would have been deleted after being read on the phone)
I also have a few other folders like this which are essentially the same functionality as @Desktop, but specific – such as @Ataxia, etc. When I go to Outlook on my PC, batch file works very nicely on the emails in @4filing and the screenshot below is an illustration of this.Making your life simpler.
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