Evernote is on a mission to help you organize your ideas and information into one beautiful digital workspace, as well as increase your productivity.
Self-promotion, or creating your 'personal brand', can be a daunting prospect. So it's important to get the basics right. Here, the Telegraph Wonder Women Work section explains how to 'win' on professional networking sites, in seven easy...
The placement of your subject or subjects is incredibly important when it comes to creating powerful iPhone photo compositions, but just as important is everything around and between them — the negative space. We started out our iPhoneog...
Updated User Guide for Calibre
You might wonder why I am promoting this, but if you read eBooks and you have a PC, MAC or Linux, then you really should be using Calibre. You can get it here for free - http://calibre-ebook.com/ The Calib...
Simple way to speed up Windows
No matter how powerful a PC is, how much memory (RAM) it has, or how much disk space (HDD) it has, there always comes a time when it starts to slow down.
Mostly this goes unnoticed because it is so gradua...
If you ever write a document or an email, or work on spreadsheets, (etc), I strongly urge you to give this program a try.
I have been using PhraseExpress for some time now, but have only recently started to explore all it's functio...
WinAmp has been recreated as SpotiAmp by the folk at Spotify. Available to Premium subscribers, it breathes life back into an old friend who had been abandoned by it's owners (shame...)
Some tips to using SpotiAmp.
Click on the let...
Don't forget to use the search facility
Now that Google has had a chance to send its search spider to my blog the search facility works rather well. Do give it a try - available on the Home page just under the banner.
Alternately ...
WyndhamMisio's thoughts and ramblings, news and updates of a personal nature.
There will be Tips on the Windows and iOS software I recommend, with occasional rants about what's bothering me at the moment.