Did you know you can set up custom search folders to contain only the emails that you want?
Create a Search Folder using one of below three methods:
Through the Menu > File > New > Search Folder…
2. By clicking the New button dropdow...
Courtesy of the RETHINKIT blog and Josh, who wrote the original CSCANPST - basically an improvement on SCANPST from Microsoft.
Download from Josh's page - it's free , like so much good stuff on the internet.
When sending an email that you need to follow up, use the SimplyFile More Actions option.
(SimplyFile is an Outlook add-on that I have been using for several years and can't imagine working without it.)
This is what it looks like ...
These screenshots are from Outlook 2010, but the principle should apply to all Outlook versions.
You can minimise the folders column on the left hand side of Outlook by clicking on the arrow – top left, next to the search bar.
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